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160901 | Sluicing again today at 10am. Around 11am tomorrow and potentially over the weekend. We can only sluice during spring t

Via Facebook

From Assistant Harbourmaster Lauren Bambury

" Sluicing again today at 10am. Around 11am tomorrow and potentially over the weekend. We can only sluice during spring tide cycles due to the sluicing protocol put in place by the EA, RSPB and Natural England."

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Karen Harris
Helen Riches
Helen Riches Is there anything that can be done about that klaxon that goes off whenever they do it? It's so loud & goes on for about fifteen minutes. I live at least half a mile from it but it might as well be next-door. Not great when you have a family member with autism & noise sensitivity!
Ken Stokell
Ken Stokell Rather 15 minutes to alert the public of danger than the full 3 hours of the entire sluice
Tania Grey
Tania Grey I think the klaxon is to stop people dying
Helen Riches I appreciate that, but I think we're safe here. The prevailing wind will always take the noise to the SW...not NW, the danger area. It's the same with the alarm on the weir by the swing bridge. Noise travels with the wind, not the water.
Ken Stokell
Ken Stokell Your not safe if you're fishing nearby or on the beach holiday makers and local kids swimming and a massive surge of water comes rushing at you with no warning 15 minutes of inconvenience or children swept out to sea should that choice have to be made?
Helen Riches
Helen Riches So have a linked alarm at the end of North Quay. And children shouldn't be in the water in the area of the tidal flow anyway. Nor should anyone for that matter. The current is too strong. This is why we have lifeguards & flags indicating safe bathing areas. To swim outside of those areas is foolhardy to say the least.
Ken Stokell
Ken Stokell There is a linked alarm at North Quay the alarm system covers all areas of hazard and yes in a perfect world everyone should obey the rules and signage but unfortunately we live in a world of selfishness and ignorance and you can't stop people from doing as they please
Like · 1 · 23 hrs
Helen Riches
Helen Riches Indeed you can't. But I fail to see the need for such a lengthy piercing alarm, that continues long after the water has been released. If you needed to get out of the way, you would have already done so.
Tania Grey
Tania Grey Because people are stupid and will continue to fish/paddle/let the children swim in an already unsafe area. The alarm is needed to pierce the stupid.
Like · 1 · 20 hrs
Ken Stokell
Ken Stokell It doesn't go on after the water has been released it takes over 3 hours for the water to leave the pool that's 3 hours of dangerous under currents after the initial surge be thankful that the harbour is being considerate and only having the alarm running for 15 minutes and not the full 3 hours plus in which they are supposed to do
Like · 1 · 20 hrs
Ken Stokell
Ken Stokell It's 15 minutes or over 3 hours it's either that or kill people which do you prefer
Ken Stokell
Ken Stokell Personally after reading your comments which I find selfish and a complete disregard for public safety if I was in control I would run them for the complete duration just to prove a point that it's not about you and your household but about the general public safety which in fact is more important so not to sound rude but be thankful it's 15 minutes and not 3 hours
Like · 2 · 20 hrs
Helen Riches
Helen Riches Ken Stokell Autistic and other disabled people are also the general public Ken. How about I shut you in a room for fifteen minutes, with a thirteen stone autistic adult in full meltdown, with a piercing alarm ringing and see whether you still feel it's being selfish to ask for some kind of compromise. To watch the pain, the distress & to be completely powerless to take that away. To somebody with a sensory processing disorder, things that you or I might find mildly annoying, cause them pain, real pain. Imagine somebody stabbing you in the head for fifteen minutes & having somebody tell you to be thankful it's not for longer. So, yeah, you are sounding rude. Perhaps you should just be thankful that nobody you care for has to suffer like that.
Ken Stokell
Ken Stokell Look sweet heart 15 minutes is a compromise it's either that or 3 to 4 hours of your child in pain the likes of which you described and yes your family is general public as matter of fact one family in thousands how would you feel if the harbour switched off the alarms to save your family 15 minutes of pain only to find a mother lost all her children due to being swept out to see because there was no warning of the impending danger would you take responsibility of that no you bloody wouldn't you be straight on here like a nympho in a dildo factory expressing your disgust on how that was allowed to happen without any prior warning
Like · 1 · 19 hrs · Edited
Ken Stokell
Ken Stokell Humanity either you have it or you don't
Helen Riches
Helen Riches You are too busy getting on your high horse & being insulting to actually bother reading the (polite) conversation that I had with the harbour master below. As I now have the times & dates of all future sluicing operations this year (which I have shared so that other people with or caring for those with SPD that I know can also be aware), precautions can be taken &, as far as I am concerned, a compromise has been reached. Feel free to rant away if it so pleases you but I have better things to do with my time. You might wish to take courses in grammar & spelling with yours.
Ken Stokell
Ken Stokell No I read it I also noted that you made further comments after it was explained to you by the harbour staff which is the comment I reacted to but it is pleasing to see that you put your needs ie 15 mins of discomfort over the lives of others it is also pleasing to see that my points are valid in which you cannot argue with as you had nothing else to use but the fact that my predictive text does not include punctuation however you still haven't answered the question would you accept responsibility for a mother loosing her children playing on the beach because the harbour bent to your will and switched the alarms off completely
Like · 1 · 18 hrs · Edited
Helen Riches
Helen Riches In answer to your post. I did not make 'further comments', I made one comment which came in after the harbour master's, simply because Facebook does not update posts whilst you are typing a reply. A reply that took me some time to compose because that ...See more
Tania Grey
Tania Grey I think you need to lay off Ken because you are coming across as a troll and a bully. Dealing with someone with autism is incredibly challenging, not only that it is life changing. Autism is a wide ranging spectrum and can be so mild that it is barely noticeable to so extreme that life has to change dramatically to ensure that the person who suffers with autism can lead a quiet and well balanced life. A sensitive person could read between the lines and realise that Helen is doing everything possible to ensure a melt down doesn't occur. What might seem like a minor noise nuisance to the rest of us will mean the onset of a day of hell for Helen. Until you are in those shoes you have no idea how difficult it is.
Ken Stokell
Ken Stokell I wasn't insistent in arguing with you I simply tried several times to explain to you 15 minutes of alarms is a lot better than over three hours of alarms whilst at the same time trying to put across the importance of preserving human life over one families inconvenience of a short alarm I know it comes across that way Tania but it's not my intention I've been told many times I have no filter but I put that down to my military background especially when I'm trying to convey common sense some people don't look beyond themselves or fail to see the bigger picture it's there to protect people
Ken Stokell
Ken Stokell My intention wasn't to intimidate I do sympathise that her child is of ill health initially I was trying to convey that 15 minutes is a lot better than 3 hours if her child is that bad from 15 minutes of sirens what's he going to be like if the harbour went ahead with protocol and sounded them for hours simply put it could be a hell of a lot worse
Lauren Bambury
Lauren Bambury The alarm for the sluice is designed to ensure the public move away from the foreshore when sluicing is underway. Due to the nature of the estuary and the flow from the sluice gates these alarms have to be situated down the entire length of the middle weir and have to be able to be heard down on the beaches as the under current from the sluice tunnels continues down the entire length of the estuary. HSE stipulates that the alarm should sound for the entire time the pool is emptying (up to 4hrs), however, we have reduced this to as low as reasonably practicable and only use the alarm as a warning that sluicing is about to take place. We appreciate that people should not be in the water within the estuary, this is a harbour bye law, but as for fishermen on the foreshore, people in kayaks/canoes etc (who are well within their rights to utilise the harbour providing they are part of one of our clubs and/or licensed to do so) they must be warned and must move away from the area. So in regards to anything being done about the alarms unfortunately the answer is no, no alarm or warning would leave the Harbour liable for any incidents incurred during the sluicing window, regardless of whether that person should or should not be in the water.
Lauren Bambury
Lauren Bambury In addition we will only be sluicing up until Tuesday 6th September then again from Thursday 15th September - Thursday 22nd September, then no sluicing (or alarms) until April next year.
Like · 1 · 23 hrs
Helen Riches
Helen Riches Thank you for the info. Do you have times? That way I can ensure that he's wearing noise cancelling headphones. It would be useful knowledge for everyone caring for those with sensory processing disorders.
Lauren Bambury
Lauren Bambury Hi Helen I appreciate your concerns and understand. I have posted the times of sluicing to this page, the alarms are only activated when the water is released not impounded.
Helen Riches
Helen Riches I'm sure we'll get more into a routine with it with familiarity. I will try to find the post & share it around.


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