Village News

Christmas Lights

240220 | Poling works | Grist Lane and Marsh Lane, Angarrack | expected 20 Feb 2024 0830-1630, for one day

Notice is hereby given that Cornwall Council intends to make the above Order in exercise of its powers under Section 14(1) of the RTRA 1984 to temporarily prohibit the use by traffic of the undermentioned length of road in Angarrack. This prohibition is necessary for poling works and it is expected that the closure will be from 20th February 2024, for one day. The prohibition will be in force between the hours of 0830 and 1630, weekdays only.

Road affected - Grist Lane, Angarrack for its entire length and Marsh Lane, Angarrack between the junction of Grist Lane and Hayle Industrial Estate.
An alternative route will be signed on site. However, for further information please go to or contact Sunbelt Rentals on 03700 500 792.
Pedestrian and Vehicular access will be maintained to properties.
Vicky Fraser, Service Director for Environment and Connectivity


The Cornwall Council
Section 14(1) of the Road TrafficRegulation Act 1984 (RTRA 1984)
The County of Cornwall (Grist Lane and Marsh Lane, Angarrack) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2024