Village News

Christmas Lights


160128 | PA16/00262/PREAPP | Land SW And West Of Trevassack High Lanes Hayle Cornwall | Progress Land Limited

Cornwall Council Planning Resp 290616 - PA16/00262/PREAPP

"An indicative block plan has been submitted which proposes 166 dwellings consisting of 114 open market and 52 affordable."
   read more »

160818 | Private parking signs fitted to speed limit signs. North Quay Hayle

Private parking signs fitted to speed limit signs. North Quay Hayle


  Now removed.  Posted anonymously at 13:48, Thursday, marked as fixed

Private parking signs fitted to speed limit signs. North Quay Hayle.

Reported in the Road traffic signs category anonymously at 00:48, Thursday

Sent to Cornwall Council 2 minutes later  read more »

160704 | Four Lanes councillor signs off in dramatic fashion by slamming Cornwall Council | West Briton

Derek Elliot

Four Lanes councillor signs off in dramatic fashion by slamming Cornwall Council

By wbchris | Posted: July 08, 2016  read more »

160721 | Who decides... 2016 Online poll | Mayor for Cornwall, a Leader and Cabinet, Committee or a new system

Cornwall Council is holding a Governance Review.  read more »

160719 | King George V Memorial Walk - Survey current and future closure options

Survey - King George V Memorial Walk


The Memorial Walk was closed in 2012 to motor traffic on Sundays. This has proved very successful and on most Sundays it is filled with families, adults and children enjoying the beautiful natural environment and a safe place for children to cycle and use their skateboards.

The question has been raised as to whether additional closures might be possible: Bank Holidays, Saturdays or every day.  read more »

160718 | EDG0156 18 July 2016 Griggs Quay, Lelant

[Please note via OCR]  read more »

160716 | Chance to view Barncoose to Tolgus improvement work plans (From Falmouth Packet)


Chance to view Barncoose to Tolgus improvement work plans

160715 | Redruth Gateway (Tolgus); Walking and Cycling Network; A3047 Barncoose Junction Improvements

Redruth: Strategic Employment Growth Graphic

Redruth Strategic Employment Growth Package

The Redruth Strategic Employment Growth Package (RSEGP) was successfully awarded funding as part of the second round of Growth Deal funding, announced in January 2015.

The package is made up of three elements;  read more »