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190503 | First phase of Hayle Harbour plan delayed | PA18/04577 | Pirate FM - News

North Quay Spine road, Phase II

First phase of Hayle Harbour plan delayed

hayle harbour 2

Published by Emma Carton at 7:24am 3rd May 2019. (Updated at 11:12am 3rd May 2019)  read more »

190503 | First phase of Hayle Harbour plan delayed | PA18/04577 | Pirate FM - News

First phase of Hayle Harbour plan delayed

hayle harbour 2

Published by Emma Carton at 7:24am 3rd May 2019. (Updated at 11:12am 3rd May 2019)  read more »

190502 | Cornwall Design Review Panel Meeting: Wednesday 4 May 2016 | Strategic Planning Meeting | PA18/04577

Extracted from PDF -  please refer to original for definitive version

   read more »

190502 | Hayle Harbour S106 Summary | Strategic Planning Meeting | PA18/04577

Page 1 | Hayle Harbour S106 Summary
Page 2 | Hayle Harbour S106 Summary
Page 3 | Hayle Harbour S106 Summary
Page 4 | Hayle Harbour S106 Summary

Hayle Harbour S106 Summary

As requested by Members at the Technical Briefing a summary of the relevant S106s
is set out below.  read more »

190103 | 179 Hayle Harbour Update | Minutes | Hayle Town Council


a)  Hayle Harbour Update

It was reported that Simon Wright had rung the clerk and had agreed he would attend an informal meeting with the town council on 10 January. He was having a meeting with the architect on 7 January to look at how the plans could be amended to take into account some of the comments by the town council and particularly ICOMOS, whose report was a direct response to the developer and not a public document. He had added that the comments from both were not the same.  read more »

190118 | Construction of 24 new dwellings Foundry Yard, Carnsew Road | Planning Applications | Minutes | Hayle Town Council

PA18/10457 12/11/18

Applicant: Mr Simon Clarke, Arke Development Ltd

Construction of 24 new dwellings, internal shared surface access road of existing traffic signaled junction and associated parking and infrastructure

Foundry Yard, Carnsew Road, Hayle

3/12/18 –extension req’d and approved  read more »

190103 | Angarrack 'desire to change the boundary was somewhat tempered' | Minutes | Hayle Town Council

d) Boundary Review Update

It was reported that CC had engaged CALC to guide town and parish councils through the
process for the potential programme of community governance reviews. CALC’s annual
conference on 16 February would address the issue. It was noted that it was only a matter of
registering an interest in a review, and there would be further opportunities to review HTC’s
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190130 | Cornwall Council admits defeat and calls for help in bid to solve the Hayle underground water mystery

Cornwall Council admits defeat and calls for help in bid to solve the Hayle underground water mystery

Posted By theboss on 30th January 2019

By Graham Smith  read more »

190117 | Minutes | Hayle Town Council


Minutes of the Hayle Town Council Meeting held at the Hayle Community Centre, Hayle on
Thursday 17 January 2019 commencing at 7.15pm with a Public Participation Session.
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