Village News

Christmas Lights


190722 | Britain's Leading Edge launched in parliament

190606 | Edward Hain was in receipt of subsidies whereas Hayle Day Care Centre is no longer subsidised

The adult day care package at Edward Hain was also discussed at the Network Meeting and concerns were expressed that it is not delivering the remit it was set up for ie providing interim care for elderly people coming out of hospital before returning home but actually acting as a Day Care Centre for St Ives residents. He felt that there was inequality especially as Edward Hain was in receipt of subsidies whereas Hayle Day Care Centre is no longer subsidised. It was confirmed that the St Ives Day Care Centre had closed and that Hayle Day Centre was now providing a full service for St Ives based users, including travel.


Politics in Cornwall

Cornwall Politics and announcements

190524 | Future of Hayle library secured by Cornwall Council | Falmouth Packet

Future of Hayle library secured by Cornwall Council - Falmouth Packet - Future of Hayle library secured by Cornwall Council Falmouth Packet

The future of Hayle library and information *service* is safe after a new agreement, which will see Hayle Town Council take ownership.  read more »

190507 | Cornwall (Electoral Changes) Order 2019 laid in draft in Parliament | Local Government Boundary Commission

Map Of The New Division Boundaries
Changes to Hayle Town Council
Latest Information:
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Governance / Boundary Review Cornwall - via Gwinear-Gwithian Parish Council

March 2019

Cornwall Council has launched a consultation on the CGR here –

February 2019

Community Governance Review (CGR)

Following on from the Electoral Boundary Review, Cornwall Council (CC) will now start the CGR. The CGR is a review of the governance arrangements of all of the parishes in the CC area.  read more »