Village News

Christmas Lights


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« January 19, 2010 - February 19, 2010 »
01 / 19
01 / 20
01 / 21
01 / 22
01 / 23
01 / 24
Start: 08:00
End: 17:00
The lights will be being taken down on Sunday 24th January - anyone available to lend a pair of hands would be most gratefully received.

The main party is meeting at 8am in the Village Square but if you can only spare an hour or two just stop someone and offer your help.

The transporter will be being used to remove the bigger lights so please watch out when out and about in the village.

01 / 25
Start: 11:30

The mobile library stops at Angarrack Post Box fortnightly on Mondays (except Bank Holidays).

It's free to join the Mobile Library, and there is no fine if you are overdue with your books.

There is a lift for easier access. 


Well worth a visit.

01 / 26
01 / 27
01 / 28
01 / 29
01 / 30
Start: 09:00
End: 18:00
Plans for the new Asda store and the new rugby ground will go on display on January 30 and 31 at the Passmore Edwards centre on Commercial Road. Details will be available from 9am until 6pm on Saturday and 10am until 2pm on Sunday.
01 / 31
Start: 10:00
End: 14:00
Plans for the new Asda store and the new rugby ground will go on display on January 30 and 31 at the Passmore Edwards centre on Commercial Road. Details will be available from 9am until 6pm on Saturday and 10am until 2pm on Sunday.
02 / 1
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02 / 10
02 / 11
02 / 12
Start: 11:00
Coffee morning and book sale from 10am to noon, at Angarrack Community Centre. Everyone is welcome to come along.
02 / 13
02 / 14
02 / 15
02 / 16
02 / 17
02 / 18
Start: 19:30

Thursday's 7:30 pm

For more information contact Marea Harris

Tel: 01736 755089


Keep Fit | Angarrack Community Centre

02 / 19
Start: 19:30

A Beetle Drive and Pasty Supper is being held at Angarrack Community Centre Friday 19th February at 7:30pm.


Come and have a fun evening


with Pasty supper


£2 entry - proceeds to Community Centre

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